A2 coursework
Digipak Update
The top digipak is our draft and after our feedback we changed things that were suggested and the bottom is our final digipak after the changes. The final digipak looks more professional and the suits our music video more. It has more synergy with colors, because the front cover for the draft did not really go with the rest which did make it stand out.
We changed things on our digipak this included having clearer pictures of the artist. This meant that the digipak looks more professional to the audience. We also included the album name on the digipak from inspiration of other digipaks.
We made a Snapchat account that the audience can follow, it is called OTMUSIC. This would have updates from OT himself and things like that. This would also be another way that the audience can be let to know about new albums or releases on merchandise etc.
website hompage

This is our website home page. As you can see we have kept the colour theme. I think the website really stands out.
tour poster research and inspirations
Tour Poster Research and Inspirations These are the inspirations of the tour posters that i researched to get idea on how to set out our poster.

music video influences
These are our music video influences. We picked these because of the places they were set and the editing that is used.
third logo
This is the third design of the logo for OT. It is neat and clear, however we felt it needed colour and we wanted it to stand out more and to carry on the colour theme.
second logo
This is the second design of the logo for OT. I did not personally like this logo it looks tatty. and infers that the music video would be edgy.
font choices
At the start of planning we ad to pick a font for OT it took us quite a while because we wanted it plain and simple an bold but we also didn't want it to look too boring so we came up with these six and decided we would go for the to one as its a nice plain ad simple font and is very bold.

font decision
This is our final font (Arial Black) we chose this because it is very plain, simple and bold and we think it shows off OT's personality by being a relaxed person who doesn't take things too seriously and can have fun.

twitter update
This is the twitter update showing that OT is keeping his fans up to date with what's going on

video release poster
This is the poster we made so fans know when the music video is expected. We will release the date in the next few days on our Instagram and Twitter account.

1st Draft Website Feedback
for website
•Social media icons do not work
•Some images poor quality
•Change photo to photos or to
gallery - this would be more professional
•Need more merchandise
•Opening age as too much going on
•Font is not consistent
•Font page picture is quite out of
Good Feedback
•Tour dates page looks very
•Synergy is good throughout
•Merchandise looks professional
•Good that the video is on the
homepage so you can click it straight away
•Good layout of the pictures on
•good layout everything can be
found easily
Our special merch
This is a special edition to the merchandise that we thought would go down really well with the fans of OT as he is also a DJ. The headphones also have the logo on it to represent OT. They also are the colour black because this is one of the main colours used in representing OT. We also have other merchandise that can be viewed on the website. These include jumpers, tops. They all are in different colours as well these colours include, orange, black and white.
digipak research
For our digipak we want to go with the coloured theme of black orange for our music video. We also wants to include our logo and make sure there is synergy.
Some digipaks we found gave us inspiration. These are the man two that gave us inspiration.

This digipak shows an orange theme and the front cover was similar to the front cover in our first draft for our digipak. Which we have now changed.

Like this digipak looks like ours with the black coloured outline and the hint of orange colour. The synergy goes well and the back cover for the songs stands out.
This is our first draft that we had and as you can see the front cover has a lot of inspiration from the ed sheeran digipak cover. However we have not kept with this.
Digipak feedback
- The black and orange looks really good but the bottom left needs to be more clear and I the bottom row is too orange and the top hasn't got enough.
- The front cover needs to go more with the theme. good colour synergy CD cover too simple
- too much orange on the bottom not on the top, move picture around
- No clear image of the artist most shots are from afar. like the synergy of the yellow. unsure of the self promo of website being so prominent
Album song list
Song List:
1. My time
2. Journey
3. Pure
4. Oblivion
5. Limited
6. Good life
7. Nobody knows
8. Dreams
9. Life lesson
10. Hold us down
11. Lover
12. Obsession
We though most of these song names for the album 'journey' had some inference of a journey. Not only this most names sound like they have a story behind it. There is even a song called journey like our album.
Magazine research
Feedback on first music video draft
The improvements in the feedback we got were:
Good feedback:
Overall the good feedback was mostly repeated and some of the improvements were repeated. Especially about the effects, the beach, and the lip-synching. These are the 3 main things that will be concentrated on when improving the music video.
- there needs to be lip synching in the opening singing part.
- more lip synching needed (mentioned by most people)
- colours edited on southend seem too much (too bold)
- add in more orange as its the theme
- some colours used in editing are too intense for the viewers
- beach scenes need taking out as they are not related
- editing is good but feels over done
- setting is good in till changes to beach
- some effects are over used
- could have used more shots like close-ups
- could include more quirky transitions
- shot when lip synching-when no singing and just a beat
- some after effects do not match each other. There are harsh and bold colours that come out of no where.
- There are too many strobe effects used
- more OT texts throughout
Good feedback:
- All music video fits with the shooting material
- The shots used are varied and fit next to each other
- explain the other colours used
- images are well in time with sound
- there are lots of good scenes used
- good use of effects when edited
- fun and flows nicely
- camera work is smooth and professional looking
Overall the good feedback was mostly repeated and some of the improvements were repeated. Especially about the effects, the beach, and the lip-synching. These are the 3 main things that will be concentrated on when improving the music video.
evidence of working
Mood board
some footage of music video
This here is some clips of the footage we collected in London, we have developed these clips by adding effects and other things now but we just wanted to show our idea. This is different to the storyboard plan we had.
prop list
Also another prop would be the drone. We will use this for high view shots and movement. This will allow a view of different types of shots, to show a variety.

For our props we need a variety of jumpers for our costume. The jumpers that we have are plain black with an owl on, and a plain white jumper. We have choose this type of costume as its causal and the black jumper links with our group. Our group is called Owles Travis. so therefore our logo is going to be an owl.
We will also use DJ equipment as we are going for the partying type of look. And as we are showing of a DJ in out music video.
artist website choice
I have chosen Jason Durulos website because it is very interesting and is the type of set out I would like to have on our website. It shows a variety of information and shows his recent music videos, his tour dates, links to his social media, it even has a little bio about him.
I have chosen Jason Durulos website because it is very interesting and is the type of set out I would like to have on our website. It shows a variety of information and shows his recent music videos, his tour dates, links to his social media, it even has a little bio about him.
Avaliability timeline
Feedback from music video ideas
In our group we had two songs and this is some of the ideas and thoughts other members of the class had:
Don' follow me- Ella Eyre
-People thought this song could be quite boring
-There wasn't may video ideas discussed
Josh A- Blessed
-Colourful lights
Don' follow me- Ella Eyre
-People thought this song could be quite boring
-There wasn't may video ideas discussed
Josh A- Blessed
-Colourful lights
How do you consume music?
I consume music by my phone. I do this on you tube or on any free apps. I prefer doing this than buying CD's or listening by the TV.
When? do you have a daily music routine? Is some music more suitable at a certain time of day than another?
I listen to music mostly all the time. I especially like to listen to music when i am bored or in the evenings. When i listen to music it depends on my mood and how i am feeling. For example if i am really happy or sad i will listen to those type of songs that relate to me and my feelings.
Where? clubs, bedroom, gigs, car?
I mostly listen to music at clubs or parties because thats the norm. I also constantly listen to music in my bedroom, it just makes me feel happy.
Who with? do you share your music or is it an individual experience?
I always am listening to music with my mates because we have a very similar taste in music, i am also doing the same with my siblings because we share the same taste. However mostly i like to have an individual experience by listening to music in my headphones.By this i feel like i can really relate to the music myself.
Why? What are the pleasures associated with music consumption? What does it offer the audience and what needs does it gratify?
Music is a very big part of peoples lifes and it can help with peoples emotions when they feel down and help to make them happy. It lets people relate and gives off a good vibe.
who did you work with and how did you manage the task between you?
In my preliminary task I worked with Renea and Ale. In our task we equally managed it. Ale was in the prelim video, whilst I done most of the filming and was in one of the shots vaguely. Renea done the editing and so everything was mostly set out and done equally and effectively. As a team I think we worked together well.
How did you plan your sequence? What processes did you use?
What theories could you apply to the video you chose?
What technology did you use to complete the task, and how did you use it?
What factors did you have to take into account when planning, shooting and editing?
How successful was your music video copy? Please identify what worked well, and with hindsight,
what would you improve/do differently? What did others say about your production?
What have you learnt from completing this task? Looking ahead, how will this learning be significant when completing your music video, do you think?
How does it compare with filming an opening to a film?
What are your strengths and weaknesses as a group member?
Looking at the other group's videos which do you think were most successful and why?
In my preliminary task I worked with Renea and Ale. In our task we equally managed it. Ale was in the prelim video, whilst I done most of the filming and was in one of the shots vaguely. Renea done the editing and so everything was mostly set out and done equally and effectively. As a team I think we worked together well.
How did you plan your sequence? What processes did you use?
What theories could you apply to the video you chose?
What technology did you use to complete the task, and how did you use it?
What factors did you have to take into account when planning, shooting and editing?
How successful was your music video copy? Please identify what worked well, and with hindsight,
what would you improve/do differently? What did others say about your production?
What have you learnt from completing this task? Looking ahead, how will this learning be significant when completing your music video, do you think?
How does it compare with filming an opening to a film?
What are your strengths and weaknesses as a group member?
Looking at the other group's videos which do you think were most successful and why?
Production diary
18/09/17- In our group we started researching different songs without music videos. We spent the lesson narrowing down what type of song we wanted and what we was looking for.
19/09/17- we managed to pick the two songs. we chose between Ella Eyre-don't follow me and Blessed by James A. We then started fitting together the presentation showing why we chose these, and the video ideas we had for each one.
20/09/17- Today we learnt about previous music videos and wrote about them on our blogs. This allowed us to see other peoples ideas they had. We had to write about this on our blogs.
21/09/17- Today we presented our presentation of ideas. We then got feedback from the class on what they thought. This allowed us to get some ideas for our music video.
22/09/17- We discussed our music video ideas, and assigned each other tasks to do. So that it is easily planned out and organised.
We assigned each other tasks to do and Beth done the timetable and printed it. To see when we can all work on the music video. Leah and Travis searched up special effects and made a blogpost of the ones that we want for our video. Faith carried on doing the production diary and was brainstorming name ideas.
26/09/17- Today we had to film our lip synching task. We done this for the whole lesson and uploaded the footage ready to edit.
29/09/17- Today we worked on different things. Travis worked on the lip synching task and edited the footage to for the song. Beth was also doing this and thinking of group names with Leah. Faith was doing the production diary and updated her blog with the feedback ideas.
02/10/17- We started thinking of locations and props and writing a list for it.
05/10/17- Today we had to get up an artists website and started planning our scripts for our voice over about what the website has included and what we will include in ours.
06/10/17- Today we started recording our voice over
09/10/17- Today we planned our locations in London. We decided we are going to kings cross and canary wharf.
10/10/17- Faith started doing the prop list and Beth done the risk assessment. Travis was sorting the logo out.
11/10/17- Today we did not have a lesson on our timetable but we went out to London and we filmed some footage for our music video and then we also took photos of us and the location.
12/10/17- Today we completed the risk assessment and started the storyboard whilst Travis started editing the footage we had.
13/10/17- Today the story board was completed and uploaded soon after to YouTube
and our blogs. Travis carried on with the footage for our music video.
16/10/17- Today the mood board was completed and uploaded to our blogs. As well as some clips of our music video so far. It was more like a teaser video for the audience to show an insight of what the music video will look like and what they should expect.
17/10/17- Today we got up an website of a singer and done a voice over of what the website included that we would include in ours. Also, wrote about what we liked about it.
18/10/17- We carried on with the voiceover on the websites we all choose.
19/10/17-Travis was editing and putting together the music video.
20/10/17- Today we filmed in the drama studio some more lip synching for the music video as more lip synching shots are needed.
30/10/17-Travis was editing and putting together the music video.
31/10/17-Today Travis was editing and putting together the music video. Whilst Faith, Beth and Leah carried on with research.
2/11/17-Travis was editing and putting together the music video. Whilst Faith, Leah and Beth done merchandise research.
3/11/17-Travis was editing and putting together the music video.
6/11/17-Travis was editing and putting together the music video.
7/11/17- Today we uploaded our half way evaluations so that we could present them to the class.
8/11/17- We presented our halfway evaluations and saw the other groups too, discussing things about them.
9/11/17- All social media was made including Facebook, twitter, snap chat and Instagram. These are all posted on regularly.
10/11/17-Travis was editing and putting together the music video.
13/11/17-Travis was editing and putting together the music video. Leah done the magazine research for our magazine cover.
14/11/17 -Travis was editing and putting together the music video. Leah and Beth completed the magazine cover for a first draft. Whilst Faith helped Travis.
15/11/17- Today we went back to London to get drone shots of the area and lip synching footage as we did not manage to get some last time.
16/11/17- Today we went to Southend to get more footage of the sea and OT himself because we have adapted the idea in our music video. We decided to use another new music video for inspiration and ideas.
17/11/17- Today we uploaded all the footage that we got in Southend and picked out the best parts. We then started to talk about doing our website and digipak.
20/11/17- Travis edited the music video whilst making some group comments about the digipak and website.
21/11/17- we edited the music video and Faith and Beth done the website and digipak.
27/11/17 - 29/11/17- These days we edited the music video footage ready for the first draft and carried on working our way through the website and digipak.
30/11/17- Today the digipack first draft was completed and so was the website. Travis was editing the footage and putting together the last part of the music video first draft during all this.
1/12/17- Today we watched everyone's music videos and gave comments on a feedback sheet so that we can write on our blogs other peoples opinions and make our music video better.
4/12/17- We done feedback on the websites for the other groups, saying what they could improve as well as giving a grade.
5/12/17- Today we done the digipak feedback online for the other groups. Commenting on what went well and what could be improved. We done this on survey monkey.
6/12/17- Today even though we did not have a lesson we filmed our interview ready to upload. This included OT being asked some random questions about music and his life. It was set out to be like car pool karaoke.
7/12/17- The production diary was updated today, as well Beth carried on changing the website trying to Improve it. Whilst, Travis was finishing and editing the music video. Leah was watching all the videos giving more feedback including on ours.
8/12/17- Today we carried on with the music video and the blog post research.
12/12/17- Today we had to complete some more blog posts and carry on completing the music video draft.
19/09/17- we managed to pick the two songs. we chose between Ella Eyre-don't follow me and Blessed by James A. We then started fitting together the presentation showing why we chose these, and the video ideas we had for each one.
20/09/17- Today we learnt about previous music videos and wrote about them on our blogs. This allowed us to see other peoples ideas they had. We had to write about this on our blogs.
21/09/17- Today we presented our presentation of ideas. We then got feedback from the class on what they thought. This allowed us to get some ideas for our music video.
22/09/17- We discussed our music video ideas, and assigned each other tasks to do. So that it is easily planned out and organised.
We assigned each other tasks to do and Beth done the timetable and printed it. To see when we can all work on the music video. Leah and Travis searched up special effects and made a blogpost of the ones that we want for our video. Faith carried on doing the production diary and was brainstorming name ideas.
26/09/17- Today we had to film our lip synching task. We done this for the whole lesson and uploaded the footage ready to edit.
29/09/17- Today we worked on different things. Travis worked on the lip synching task and edited the footage to for the song. Beth was also doing this and thinking of group names with Leah. Faith was doing the production diary and updated her blog with the feedback ideas.
02/10/17- We started thinking of locations and props and writing a list for it.
05/10/17- Today we had to get up an artists website and started planning our scripts for our voice over about what the website has included and what we will include in ours.
06/10/17- Today we started recording our voice over
09/10/17- Today we planned our locations in London. We decided we are going to kings cross and canary wharf.
10/10/17- Faith started doing the prop list and Beth done the risk assessment. Travis was sorting the logo out.
11/10/17- Today we did not have a lesson on our timetable but we went out to London and we filmed some footage for our music video and then we also took photos of us and the location.
12/10/17- Today we completed the risk assessment and started the storyboard whilst Travis started editing the footage we had.
13/10/17- Today the story board was completed and uploaded soon after to YouTube
and our blogs. Travis carried on with the footage for our music video.
16/10/17- Today the mood board was completed and uploaded to our blogs. As well as some clips of our music video so far. It was more like a teaser video for the audience to show an insight of what the music video will look like and what they should expect.
17/10/17- Today we got up an website of a singer and done a voice over of what the website included that we would include in ours. Also, wrote about what we liked about it.
18/10/17- We carried on with the voiceover on the websites we all choose.
19/10/17-Travis was editing and putting together the music video.
20/10/17- Today we filmed in the drama studio some more lip synching for the music video as more lip synching shots are needed.
30/10/17-Travis was editing and putting together the music video.
31/10/17-Today Travis was editing and putting together the music video. Whilst Faith, Beth and Leah carried on with research.
2/11/17-Travis was editing and putting together the music video. Whilst Faith, Leah and Beth done merchandise research.
3/11/17-Travis was editing and putting together the music video.
6/11/17-Travis was editing and putting together the music video.
7/11/17- Today we uploaded our half way evaluations so that we could present them to the class.
8/11/17- We presented our halfway evaluations and saw the other groups too, discussing things about them.
9/11/17- All social media was made including Facebook, twitter, snap chat and Instagram. These are all posted on regularly.
10/11/17-Travis was editing and putting together the music video.
13/11/17-Travis was editing and putting together the music video. Leah done the magazine research for our magazine cover.
14/11/17 -Travis was editing and putting together the music video. Leah and Beth completed the magazine cover for a first draft. Whilst Faith helped Travis.
15/11/17- Today we went back to London to get drone shots of the area and lip synching footage as we did not manage to get some last time.
16/11/17- Today we went to Southend to get more footage of the sea and OT himself because we have adapted the idea in our music video. We decided to use another new music video for inspiration and ideas.
17/11/17- Today we uploaded all the footage that we got in Southend and picked out the best parts. We then started to talk about doing our website and digipak.
20/11/17- Travis edited the music video whilst making some group comments about the digipak and website.
21/11/17- we edited the music video and Faith and Beth done the website and digipak.
27/11/17 - 29/11/17- These days we edited the music video footage ready for the first draft and carried on working our way through the website and digipak.
30/11/17- Today the digipack first draft was completed and so was the website. Travis was editing the footage and putting together the last part of the music video first draft during all this.
1/12/17- Today we watched everyone's music videos and gave comments on a feedback sheet so that we can write on our blogs other peoples opinions and make our music video better.
4/12/17- We done feedback on the websites for the other groups, saying what they could improve as well as giving a grade.
5/12/17- Today we done the digipak feedback online for the other groups. Commenting on what went well and what could be improved. We done this on survey monkey.
6/12/17- Today even though we did not have a lesson we filmed our interview ready to upload. This included OT being asked some random questions about music and his life. It was set out to be like car pool karaoke.
7/12/17- The production diary was updated today, as well Beth carried on changing the website trying to Improve it. Whilst, Travis was finishing and editing the music video. Leah was watching all the videos giving more feedback including on ours.
8/12/17- Today we carried on with the music video and the blog post research.
12/12/17- Today we had to complete some more blog posts and carry on completing the music video draft.
production diary
26/06/17- This day we researched songs that would be simple
but challenging for us.
27/06/17- We picked the song the Oasis- live forever. This song would be a challenge for us editing wise. We started also writing the
production diary and a prop list.
28/06/17- Today we completed the prop list and started to
screen grab for the 40 seconds we are doing of the music video.
no rest dry the river
We were asked to listen to this song and write ideas of what we think the music video would be like. These are some of the ideas:
can imagine being set on a cliff or field with loads of wind blowing. There could also be clips of a couple together or arguing.
day in girls shoes to show her life after a break up.
woodland area- one of couple walking through woods collapses and dies, whilst clips of band playing in woodland area.
beach- showing happy memories of couple.
When we was showed the music video we saw that
can imagine being set on a cliff or field with loads of wind blowing. There could also be clips of a couple together or arguing.
day in girls shoes to show her life after a break up.
woodland area- one of couple walking through woods collapses and dies, whilst clips of band playing in woodland area.
beach- showing happy memories of couple.
When we was showed the music video we saw that
carol vernallis theory
----This theory has 4 key concepts:
1) narrative- suggests that the video is a visual response to the narrative, as in whatever is happening visually reflects the lyrics in the song.
2) editing-suggests that the convention of music editing is the video that may disrupt or break the conventions of continuing editing. The editing may become visible, bought to the foreground.
Example: jump cuts,breaks of the 30 degree rule.
3) camera movements/framing- establishing shots are one of the key features of a music video.
Example: close up shots, master shots
4) diegesis- is the setting of the music video.
song- unforgettable- by French Montana has 154 different camera shots
1) narrative- suggests that the video is a visual response to the narrative, as in whatever is happening visually reflects the lyrics in the song.
2) editing-suggests that the convention of music editing is the video that may disrupt or break the conventions of continuing editing. The editing may become visible, bought to the foreground.
Example: jump cuts,breaks of the 30 degree rule.
3) camera movements/framing- establishing shots are one of the key features of a music video.
Example: close up shots, master shots
4) diegesis- is the setting of the music video.
song- unforgettable- by French Montana has 154 different camera shots
Andrew Goodwins- music video theory
---His theory is explained by 6 different conventions.
1) Relationship between the lyrics and the visuals, which illustrate, amplify or contradict the lyrics.
example: Jessie J- price tag- says "aint about the money" - she is then seen with money.
2) Thought beats: seeing the sounds (between music and visuals, which illustrate, amplify, or contradict the music)
3) Genre related style and iconography present.
4) Multiple close-ups of the main artist or vocalist: the creation of a star image to promote a recognisable brand image.
5) Voyeurism often plays a major part,especially in relation to females.
6) Inter textual references to other media texts may be present, especially in humorous videos.
1) Relationship between the lyrics and the visuals, which illustrate, amplify or contradict the lyrics.
example: Jessie J- price tag- says "aint about the money" - she is then seen with money.
2) Thought beats: seeing the sounds (between music and visuals, which illustrate, amplify, or contradict the music)
3) Genre related style and iconography present.
4) Multiple close-ups of the main artist or vocalist: the creation of a star image to promote a recognisable brand image.
5) Voyeurism often plays a major part,especially in relation to females.
6) Inter textual references to other media texts may be present, especially in humorous videos.
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How do you consume music? I consume music by my phone. I do this on you tube or on any free apps. I prefer doing this than buying CD'...
For our digipak we want to go with the coloured theme of black orange for our music video. We also wants to include our logo and make su...