Digipak Update

The top digipak is our draft and after our feedback we changed things that were suggested and the bottom is our final digipak after the changes. The final digipak looks more professional and the suits our music video more. It has more synergy with colors, because the front cover for the draft did not really go with the rest which did make it stand out.

We changed things on our digipak this included having clearer pictures of the artist. This meant that the digipak looks more professional to the audience. We also included the album name on the digipak from inspiration of other digipaks.




We made a Snapchat account that the audience can follow, it is called OTMUSIC. This would have updates from OT himself and things like that. This would also be another way that the audience can be let to know about new albums or releases on merchandise etc.
Image result for snapchat

website hompage

This is our website home page. As you can see we have kept the colour theme. I think the website really stands out.

tour poster research and inspirations

Tour Poster Research and Inspirations These are the inspirations of the tour posters that i researched to get idea on how to set out our poster.

music video influences

These are our music video influences. We picked these because of the places they were set and the editing that is used.


final logo

       This is the fourth and final OT logo, we think the orange goes well with the theme.

third logo

This is the third design of the logo for OT. It is neat and clear, however we felt it needed colour and we wanted it to stand out more and to carry on the colour theme.

second logo

This is the second design of the logo for OT. I did not personally like this logo it looks tatty. and infers that the music video would be edgy. 

first logo

This was our first design of the logo for OT

start of instagram page

instagram update

font choices

At the start of planning we ad to pick a font for OT it took us quite a while because we wanted it plain and simple an bold but we also didn't want it to look too boring so we came up with these six and decided we would go for the to one as its a nice plain ad simple font and is very bold.

font decision

This is our final font (Arial Black) we chose this because it is very plain, simple and bold and we think it shows off OT's personality by being a relaxed person who doesn't take things too seriously and can have fun.

evidence of digipak

evidence of website update

twitter update

This is the twitter update showing that OT is keeping his fans up to date with what's going on

macklemore website research

video release poster

This is the poster we made so fans know when the music video is expected. We will release the date in the next few days on our Instagram and Twitter account.

final video